- We ship worldwide.
- All orders are shipped from Hong Kong.
- Once it has been shipped you will receive a confirmation email.
- We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged shipments.
Destination | Shipping Methods | Estimated Time | Free Shipping |
HONG KONG | S.F Express | 2-4 Business Days | Orders ≥ HK$700 |
TAIWAN | S.F Express | 3-7 Business Days | Orders ≥ HK$700 |
INTERNATIONAL | FedEx/UPS | 4-6 Weeks | Orders ≥ US$200 |
- We accept payments by Visa, MasterCard, Paypal, Payme and FPS.
- Please note that your credit card may apply currency conversion fees.
- An order cannot be canceled once it has been done with payment.
Returns & Exchanges
- ALL ITEMS ARE FINAL and not to be eligible for returns or exchanges.